Step and Repeat

From: $210.00

If you purchase a banner stand from our website we recommend Welded 4″ Pole Pockets, Top and Bottom as a hemming option. The other hemming options may be used as well but will need additional items not supplied in order to hang on the stand.

    Safe Zone All text and other critical elements must be placed inside the safe zone, which is indicated by the dashed line. Anything outside this line runs the risk of being cut off during trimming. Full Bleed For your background image to cover the entire printed piece, extend it over the trim line to the full bleed line. This area is removed when your piece is trimmed. ResolutionFor best results, please create artwork at 300 DPI. Color Art should be created in CMYK, or 4-color process.

    • (max file size 128 MB)
SKU: step+repeat Category:


Step and Repeat are printed in full color on one side of 15 oz. matte vinyl block out material which eliminates all obstructing glare, allowing for ultimate promotion and immaculate photography. They are built to stand up to the elements, though they do wear with time. We offer a variety of finishing options, including hemming, grommets, and pole pockets.

If you purchase a banner stand from our website we recommend Welded 4″ Pole Pockets, Top and Bottom as a hemming option. The other hemming options may be used as well but will need additional items not supplied in order to hang on the stand.

Size Options:

96in x 96in

Color Options:

4/0 Full Color One Side

Standard turnaround after file approval via email:

3-5 Days

Custom Estimate:

For custom orders or quantities not listed for your desired product, please for a custom estimate please email us a

Explanation of turnaround time:

Turnaround times begin when the proof is approved. All times are based on normal business days Monday through Friday excluding federal holidays. Please note this does not include shipping time.